While playing Aim Lab it logs errors or issues with your instance in a player.log file. When submitting a bug report, this log is most of the time super helpful in determining what the issue is. Here are some tips to help provide proper logs as well as where to find them:
- Every time you launch Aim Lab your player.log is deleted and starts fresh. So grabbing the player.log file right after you have an issue is best practice.
- However if you do launch and forget to grab your log, you can instead grab the player-prev.log which contains your previous launches logs.
- You can usually find your player.log and player-prev.log by:
- Navigating to C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Statespace\aimlab_tb(or similar if installed in custom location)
- Win + R and paste %userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Statespace\aimlab_tb
crash logs
- Crash logs are generated in folders, these folders contain really good information on what caused your crash
- Attach latest Crash folder which can be found:
- By default C:\Users\UsernameHere\AppData\Local\Temp\Statespace\aimlab_tb\Crashes - Latest crash folder (replace UsernameHere with your PCs profile name)
- Or wherever you have Aim Lab installed if using a custom location